StrataFrame Forum

Adding Messaging and Localization Tables Error in DDT

By Jerry J Jansen - 7/17/2007

I am testing DDT and I imported my data structure from VFP and then added from the Profile menu, "Add Messaging and Localization Tables". I kept getting an error when deploying the database to SQL server. The error mention something about an empty procedure field. I checked all of the my data tables procedures and everything looked ok. I checked all of the Messaging and Localization Tables in DDT and they looked ok.

Then I checked the actual DBETables in SQL server and found the field tbl_insertsprocname EMPTY for the MessageItems and MessageLanguages tables with the fields tbl_insertprocs set to true. However, the insert procedures showed up OK in DDT.

So there must be an error in the importing of the Messaging and Localization Tables in DDT in updating the SQL table.

I then went back to DDT and unchecked/rechecked the "Create INSERT Stored Procedure" in the table properties for both MessageItems and MessageLanguages tables and then the fields tbl_insertsprocname were filled in the SQL DBETables table.
By StrataFrame Team - 7/17/2007

Hrm... looks like the .pkg file needs to be updated to include the names of the stored procedures.  Strange that no one has run into that problem before.  Thanks Jerry Wink
By Trent L. Taylor - 7/17/2007

Here is the updated package file.  Just copy it to Program Files\Common Files\MicroFour\StrataFrame.  The reason other developers have not run into it is because most people embed their localization files, which is the fastest and recommended way if you are looking for the fastest message and localization solution.  It also makes distribution easier.  This is the same approach that we use...and why we did not catch it Smile .  You can learn more about the different ways to distribute your localization files in the help docs, but our recommended way is by using the embedded approach.
By Jerry J Jansen - 7/17/2007

Thanks Trent but the zip file is asking for a PASSWORD.

Just started to try out StrataFrame so thanks for the info about embedded files. I will take a look at the documentation.
By Trent L. Taylor - 7/17/2007

Just right-click it and save to the above specified location.  You do not need to open the PKG file itself, just copy it to the Program Files\Common Files\MicroFour\StrataFrame folder.  The password is "framework" but there is no need for you to get into this package file directly.  This will just resolve the issue the next time you click "Add Localization and Messaging Tables"
By Jerry J Jansen - 7/17/2007

Thanks Trent, there was not one there so thought it had to be opened. Sorry.
By Trent L. Taylor - 7/17/2007 should have a file with the same name in the following location....assumming your Common Files folder is the default location:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\MicroFour\StrataFrame

You should be overwriting the file that is there.

By Jerry J Jansen - 7/17/2007

Checked all subdirectories and no *.pkg files. Could it be because I am using the trial version?
By Trent L. Taylor - 7/17/2007

No.  There is not any difference between the trial and full version other than your license and you get the source code with the full version.  Are you running a 64-bit OS?  If so, then it will be the Program Files (x86) folder instead.  It has to be there otherwise you would have received a different error when you tried to import the table structures within the DDT.  So the file is out there somewhere, and it has to be in the Common Files\MicroFOur\StrataFrame folder.

Let me know what you find...I am curious now Smile

By Jerry J Jansen - 7/17/2007

Sorry Trent, I just overlooked the Common Files part of your location description. Yes, the package is there.
By Trent L. Taylor - 7/18/2007

Good to hear Smile