StrataFrame Forum

MDDeployProgress - To adjust

By Rogerio Mauri - 7/21/2007

Suggestions for StrataFrame.DBEngine

1) To adjust the code of Raise_ProgressChanged for the standard used in the other events.

2) To modify the ForeColor property of prgOverall (MDDeployProgress), therefore the bars are not visible.

By Trent L. Taylor - 7/22/2007

We have no plans to modify this form since it is a generic and basic form that is used through the DDT itself.  Also, there are always a lot of opinions on how a form like this should look and/or work.  This is why we give you the ability to create your own deployment dialogs and handle the notification events so that developers can have more granular control and adjust the environment to look to their liking.  This is the same way we create a unique dialog for deploying the databases when installing StrataFrame.  I recommend looking at the Database Installer sample that comes with teh framework, it will show you how to