StrataFrame Forum

Localize a boolean field in BrowseResultsLayout (browsedialog)

By Michel Levy - 7/24/2007


I've set MessageLocaleID to 1036 in appmain, and in the browseresultslayout PopulationType of boolean fields is set to FormattedString.

So users can see 'True' or 'False' in the corresponding column ; what should I do to localize it in french ('Vrai' / 'Faux') ?

By StrataFrame Team - 7/24/2007

I don't think there is a way for a ToString()ed Boolean to localize itself.  However, you can set the value for that column to Populated Through Event and in the RowPopulating event of the browse dialog, set the appropriate value depending upon the value of that field.
By Michel Levy - 7/24/2007

Thanks Ben,

I'll try it.