Any recommendations on how to deal with the following scenario (this is a representation of what I'm trying to accomplish)?A supervisor is an employee and an employee can be a supervisor. Also certain employees can work under certain supervisors. All employees have a supervisor. So you would have a table that might look like this:
employeeKey last_name supervisorKey
1 smith 1
2 johnson 1
3 smithers 1
4 chase 4
5 baker 4
6 brown 1
If supervisor key = employeekey then the employee is the supervisor.
How would you handle it when, for example, you are entering new employees and supervisors on a grid, on an autoincrementing table (like vfp - which I got to work with your Bo's) and you do a batch save? I would need to know the employeeKey in order to apply a value to supervisorKey. Can this be handled with one business object, or would it be best to just create two business objects one for employees, one for supervisors and save the supervisorsBO first, pull the employeekeys, apply them to supervisor key in employeeBO and then save employeesBO to same table?
I've been racking my brains about this. Thanks in advance for any input.