Ben Chase (09/10/2007)
Yep, the root of the problem is the MethodToExecute. When you use the SF list population, we create a new business object of the specified type behind the scenes and call the MethodToExecute on it to populate it; the list is then populated from this business object. So, try changing your method to execute to a Fill method or a CopyDataFrom method to get the data into the business object we create behind the scenes. And if you need to pass any parameters to the method, check out the ListPopulating event and pass the values into the collection on the event args.
Hmm.. Well, not how I ended up going about it, but I guess there's more than one way to skin a cat.
I ended up tweaking my BusinessLogicLayerManager (BLLM) dictionary to filterthe business object better and then looped through it to add the items to the list. It probably wasn't the cleanest way, but it worked and I'm getting the result I wanted. I'll have to figure your method out when I'm not under a time crunch.
Thanks for the info!