Cyrus,Is this a known issue with Vista and not seeing the wireless adapters?
No, this is not necessarily a function of StrataFrame that is causing your problem as this is a very common setup...including me and I have activated in this very scenario in the past few days.
First of all, we enumerate all of the network adapters on the machine using the NetworkInterface class within .NET:
For each adapter as NetworkInterface in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
We then determine if it is an IP enabled interface using an SF class:
If Not MicroFour.StrataFrame.Tools.Common.IsValidInterfaceType(adapter) Then
Continue For
End If
So one of two things is happening on your network adapter. First, it is either not enabled or visible. Second, the OS or .NET interface is not returning a valid IP enabled state for adapter. You can write a very simple program with this logic to see what is going on with your network adapter. Past that there is not much else I can suggest. The interfaces and IP information for the NIC is coming straight from the OS.
Sample Test:
Imports System.Net.NetworkInformation
Private Sub CheckNetworkAdapters()
Dim nicInfo as String
For each adapter as NetworkInterface In NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
nicInfo = adapter.Name & adapter.NetworkInterfaceType.ToString()
End Sub
Try that and see if you can determine what is going on with your NIC. Hope that helps