It took me about an hour to figure out the best way to handle the address code list for the customer window. It works like a charm by simply setting the combobox's population type to business object, then setting the data source setting to the AddressBO.FillByParentPrimaryKey(int32) method. I also changed PopulateOnFormLoad property to Manual. Within the Navigated event, I added the combobox.requery method and passed in the current customer index. Smooth. Quite smooth! I have most of my customer window completed. That includes the browse dialog and several populated drop downs from both business objects and enums. I can count on both hands the number of lines of code that I had to write.
I really wish I had seen framework about a month ago.
I wonder if I can rewrite my current project with this new framework by the end of the year? What I have done in one day with StrataFrame had taken me nearly a month by using other vendors' products. Great work! This is truly developer friendly.