StrataFrame Forum

LoaderLock exception

By Kari Paukku - 6/3/2006


don't know if one should be worried about this but in case some one else runs into the same, here is what happened:

I have in a form a button that issues a SQL Retrieval command [ BO_Emp.FillAll() ] to populate the form. So, the form is displayed and if the button is clicked, data is retrieved into the form.

Doing this - in debug mode - caused a "LoaderLock" exception that said:

" attempting managed execution inside OS Loader lock. Do not attempt to
 run managed code inside a DllMain or image initialization function
 since  doing so can cause the application to hang."

Searching the www, I found the following:

"From the Debug menu, find the exceptions,
The under Managed exception, Remove the LoaderLock exception, this will prevent that exception..."

Doing this made the thing to work ok.

Don't quite know if one should do something here...


By StrataFrame Team - 6/3/2006

That's very odd.  I've never heard of a LoaderLockException, Kari.  Thanks for the heads up; I'll keep my eyes peeled. 

Oh, and if anyone cannot get to the Exceptions dialog under the Debug menu, you might have to "customize" the toolbars and add the command.  I believe the default shortcut for the Exceptions dialog is Ctrl+Alt+e.