Peter Jones (03/22/2008)
Hi Jaun,
Most indexes are 0 based so, to fix the display, you could try (haven't tested this so syntax may not be 100% correct):
lcMsg = String.Format("{0} of {1}", Me.BO_Publicaciones.CurrentRowIndex + 1, Me.BO_Publicaciones.Count + 1)
String.Format tends to be a better way to concatinate data like this.
Cheers, Peter
Hi Peter, Juan,
Actually you don't need to add "+ 1" to the BO.Count property since it will have the corrected total count number. So the code should be:
lcMsg = String.Format("{0} of {1}", Me.BO_Publicaciones.CurrentRowIndex + 1, Me.BO_Publicaciones.Count)