Jason,You can set the Copy Local to True, but that will only place the MicroFour SF assemblies in the folder where your assembly is created. For deploying StrataFrame to another computer you have several options. First, let me explain that you wil need four assemblies:
MicroFour StrataFrame Base.dll
MicroFour StrataFrame Business.dll
MicroFour StrataFrame DBEngine.dll
MicroFour StrataFrame UI.dll
If you are using the DevExpress wrapper the you will also need:
MicroFour StrataFrame Inherited UI.dll
Option 1
Copy the StrataFrame DLLs to the same location as your executable. This is not my preferred way of deploying the DLLs, but some people have their reasons for this approach.
Option 2 (Recommended)
Move the StrataFrame DLLs into the GAC. This can be done through an installation, or you can simply drag the above assemblies into the c:\windows\assembly folder on the target machine.
Let me know if this doesn't answer your question. Thanks.