By Bill Cunnien - 6/11/2008
I have been regularly using the TopMostDescription and TopMostValue properties of the SF-wrapped DevEx ComboBoxEdit control. With the recent update to 1.6.5 this new property showed up: TopMostDropDown. Can someone fill me in on its purpose? How do I use it?Thanks, Bill
By Trent L. Taylor - 6/11/2008
This property is not for use with the DevEx combo, sorry . A while back we added support to our combo for multi-columns. That is what this is for. When you use the SF combo and are using multi-columns, then the drop down will need to respect that, including the TopMostItem. So this is a property of the TopMostItem class which you can see in the DevEx class, but it has no effect.
By Bill Cunnien - 6/12/2008