A few, little housekeeping questions...how do handle the extended controls? Do you create them in the current project that needs them? Separate project? Separate solution? What naming conventions do you use for the extended controls?
I created a seperate solution called Subclassed Controls. I have multiple namespaces such as ActionLabor.SubclassedControls.DevEx ActionLabor.SubclassedControls.StrataFrame etc. I only add logic here that I want throughout all my applications.
Then in whatever solution I am working in I always create a project called Base which houses application specific base clasess and logic etc. I then sublclass the subclassed controls from earlier and add any application specific logic.
ActionLabor.Payroll.Base.SubclassesControls.DevEx --> inherits from ActionLabor.SubclassedControls.DevEx
As far as naming if you use namespacing you could actually name them the same however that can get confusing I prefix mine like ALBASETextEdit and ALPayrollTextEdit because it makes it easier for me to remember.
Also, since you extend various controls, how do you handle versioning, that is, keeping track of these items as various parties update their products?
The compiler will tell you Obviously if I download a new version of Dev express and un-install the current version you will need to update references in each project that has a reference to the old version.