Hi Trent,Hope you had a good Thanksgiving and time off, I am disposing and recreating the class as follows. I do not get the error consisently (of course never get it on my dev machine) just ocasionally on all different machines and if I rerun the deployment on the machine that errors it works without a problem. It is possible I have a version issue or something as I made the dispose change after reading this post so the problem children might be running old software. Last week was a short week and I was in hurry to get out for opening day of duck season and I released several new things at all at once so I probably missed updating something. Anyway's I will see if the issue persists and if so I will try to narrow it down a bit better.
''' <summary>''' This event indicates that the meta-data portion has been completed''' </summary>''' <param name="e"></param>''' <remarks></remarks>Private Sub _DatabaseSetup_BuildComplete(ByVal e As MicroFour.StrataFrame.DBEngine.SQL.SQLManagerEventArgs) Handles _DatabaseSetup.BuildComplete'-- Dispose and recreate the Migrator instance_DatabaseSetup.Dispose()
'-- Re-Create the DatabaseMigrator instanceIf AppMain.C_SQLUserName.Length = 0 Then_DatabaseSetup =
New DatabaseMigrator(AppMain.C_SQLServer, True, Me)Else_DatabaseSetup =
New DatabaseMigrator(AppMain.C_SQLServer, False, Me, AppMain.C_SQLUserName, AppMain.C_SQLPassword)End If'-- Starts the data deployment portion of the installStartDataDeploymentPhase()
End Sub