Recreating the Bo mappings is pretty straight forward, though it can be time consuming depending on how large your project is (so lets hope you can find that database ). There are more in depth descriptions of this in the help file, but just to give you a point in the right direction:
1) Open your project within visual studio.
2) Select "Business Object Mapper" from the StrataFrame menu
3) Click on your project under the "Available Projects" tree on the left pane and select the "Configure Project" link on the right.
4) If you had your StrataFrame database present and mapped, you would be able to select your project from the "Choose Project" list, if not, you will need to create a new one by clicking New....
5) Give a project name and Database type. The Database Deployment Toolkit can be used to define these structures, but that is housed within the StrataFrame database as well (and as such would have to be re-created before mapping the BOs in the event that you lost the StrataFrame database.) If you are using a different database type, just select it from the radio group and provide the appropriate connection information.
6) Once the project is defined, select the first business object, click "Configure Business Object", and give it the associated table.
7) Rinse and repeat for the remaining business objects, then click Rebuild All
The issue here is that you may not know where any advanced options were used. It goes without saying that finding that StrataFrame database would be miles simpler and more reliable than trying to rebuild all of this information after the fact.