StrataFrame Forum

insert an picture (jpg or png ) into a picture box and save in a bo

By Eric Leissler - 7/30/2008


I take your example  sampleCRMapplication and on the product maintenance

i see a picture box and a button "Select product image"

it's exactly tha i want .

So i made the same in my programm and i have the error

i look again in the example and i ha the same error in sampleCRMapplication

at line

Me.Products.prod_Image = CType(loImage, System.Drawing.Bitmap)

What's append and what can i do ?

Thank's for your answer

Best regards


By Ivan George Borges - 7/31/2008

Hey Eric.

Have a look at this post:

By Trent L. Taylor - 7/31/2008

Also, you are better off looking at the StrataFlix sample as it shows how to be more efficient in attaching an image as well as how to still have strong-typing.  You can get that sample here: .
By Eric Leissler - 7/31/2008


i will try it but i'm in as vs2005

I' ve no enough time at present

for this time, i ll the path  of the picture in the field


Best regard


By StrataFrame Team - 8/1/2008

The StrataFlix solution file is VS2008, but you can still open it in VS2005.

You have 2 options:

1) Open the .sln file with notepad and change the version at the top of the file from 9.0 to 8.0.


2) Open the .vbproj or .csproj files directly (the projects). This will create a new solution file for you and you can add the rest of the projects to the new solution.