StrataFrame Forum

Custom message shows only once

By Juan Carlos Pazos - 8/6/2008


I begin to implement security in some forms in my proyect. As I have two languages I create two custom messages in the Message Editor, when a user clic to enter a Windows and if he does not have permission the message shows correctly, but only once; if he closes the message and try again the message not shows (the form not shows what it's fine).

I think that it's necesary the message shows more than once, but I don't know if is something I did wrong, the security framework is programmed in that way or it's a bug.

Wait for you answer.

By Dustin Taylor - 8/8/2008

Howdy Juan Smile

The security system should show a message every time, not just the first. Can you post the code are you using to check the security key and display the form?