StrataFrame Forum

Found Table name for Propriety TextBox for BindingField

By Rafael - 8/19/2008

I Need to know a table name for BindingField.

How i do it ?
By Trent L. Taylor - 8/19/2008

I really don't know what you are asking here.  If you are wanting to know how to use the SF data binding, there are many samples that come with the framework and there is a lot of documentation to this point as well.  Instead of me explaining all of this in a shortened format, please refer to the samples and the documentation.

But in short, you will need to drop a BO on the form, select the BO for the BusinessObject, once this is done, there will b e adrop down populated with the fields that can be bound to the control.  But before you can see any fields, you will have to map that BO within the BO Mapper.

By Rafael - 8/19/2008

Trent L. Taylor, i need to know what table name in Data Base use in Textbox.
By Trent L. Taylor - 8/19/2008


I really want to help you, but I am having a hard to understanding your question.  The table name would be whatever table to which you are mapping your business object (BO).  The database would be is not specified at the textbox level, but is part of your connection that is established in the AppMain.vb or program.cs files.  Each BO has a DataSourceKey which is then used to tie itself to the Database Connections setup in the SetDataSources method in your AppMain.vb or program.cs source files.  Again, I think that if you would take a look at some of the samples that many of these questions would be answered for you.

By Rafael - 8/19/2008

I need to know table name because i need to pass for my function in visual studio.

In event Leave for textbox to strataframe, i need to know that a table used and pass for my function
By Trent L. Taylor - 8/19/2008


I don't understand where and what you are referring to.  Can you please give me steps, details, etc.  I really want to help but I am totally lost as to what you are trying to do...sorry Ermm

By Bill Cunnien - 8/19/2008


Would this do it?  Sorry for the C# if you are a VB guy...

String mTableName = ((MyBO)txtABoundTextBox.BusinessObject).TableName;

By Rafael - 8/19/2008

preciso em tempo de programação pegar o conteudo da propriedade que msotra o nome da tabela referenciada ao bo atraves do bindingfield

I need in time of programing to know content the property name of table by BO through in BindingField
By Rafael - 8/19/2008

private void for_cod_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)


String mTableName = ((MyBO)txtABoundTextBox.BusinessObject).TableName;


In variable MyBO( name of BO ), how i do for my code to be dinamic?
By Greg McGuffey - 8/19/2008


Any business object you'd use inherits from BusinessLayer, which has TableName, so:

' VB

Dim tableName As String = DirectCast(Me.txtABoundTextBox.BusinessObject,BusinessLayer).TableName

// C#

String tableName = ((BusinessLayer)txtABoundTextBox.BusinessObject).TableName
By Bill Cunnien - 8/20/2008

Greg, that's perfect!  Wow, nearly every day I am amazed at what lurks in this framework (like MicroFour.StrataFrame.Tools.Common.GetEnumDisplayValue(yourEnum), eh? BigGrin w00t )!!  Good stuff!


By Edhy Rijo - 8/20/2008

Well, I can not agreed with Bill more Smile  all the time I am re-designing my stuff with the new things posted in the forums.

As a matter of fact, the first project I stared with StrataFrame took me a couple of weeks to have it in a decent stage, after the training class I decided to start it over based on the StrataFlix logic and in a matter of days I have this project in a much better stage inside and outside (good looking Tongue).

By Dustin Taylor - 8/20/2008

You guys do know about the StrataFrame.Tools.Common.KitchenSink(yourDishes) method, right?

That one always seems to get overlooked...

By Greg McGuffey - 8/20/2008

Bill Cunnien (08/20/2008) MicroFour.StrataFrame.Tools.Common.GetEnumDisplayValue(yourEnum)...


I seem to recall that when I coded that method, I remember looking at the code to populate a combo in SF source to figure out how to do it. It appears that that code still doesn't use their own method (handles the attributes directly). In any case, I got a bit of experience learning to handle attributes BigGrin
By Greg McGuffey - 8/20/2008

Dustin Taylor (08/20/2008)
You guys do know about the StrataFrame.Tools.Common.KitchenSink(yourDishes) method, right?

That one always seems to get overlooked...

DOH! And I just did the dishes by hand! Wink