StrataFrame Forum

1.6.6 Release

By Larry Caylor - 8/26/2008

Are you getting close to an offical release of v 1.6.6?  I'm holding off on doing a lot with 1.6.6 since I believe that some of the later changes in 1.6.6 would require updating my current 1.6.5 Enterprise server, which would then require updating my current 1.6.5 apps to run with the updated server.


By Dustin Taylor - 8/27/2008

We're a bit swamped this week (as you may have noticed from the lack of forum activity w00t ), but we would love to get the build finalized and released.

The only thing we are missing at this point before finalizing the build is the documentation, so with any luck, we'll have it ready for you guys middle to late next week.

By Larry Caylor - 8/27/2008

BigGrinGreat! Thanks for the update.