I have included some source code below which demonstrates what I'm attempting to do. I have derived my own ListView control from the StrataFrame base ListView control. I am attempting to dynamically build my column headers from the business object. All of the data is populating in the business object without a hitch, but I'm having problems with getting the column headers to display properly.(I learned most of what I'm doing from watching what StrataFrame creates in the form designer when I enter columns manually, etc.)
Any ideas where I might be going wrong?
public virtual void FillRows(MicroFour.StrataFrame.Business.BusinessLayer bo, string dataRetrievalMethodToExecute){
// set initial propertiesbase.SuspendLayout();base.ListPopulating += new MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.ListView.ListPopulatingEventHandler(OnListPopulating);base.RowPopulating += new MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.ListView.RowPopulatingEventHandler(OnRowPopulating);base.AutoColumnSort = true;base.AutoNavigateToSelectedRecord = true;base.FullRowSelect = true;base.GridLines = true;base.View = View.Details;// set up the business objectbase.BusinessObject = bo;// set up columns automaticallyMicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.
ListViewPopulationColumn OHRLVPopCol;int i = 0;string[] displayFields = bo.AllFieldsList.ToArray();foreach (string field in displayFields){
base.Columns.Add(new ColumnHeader());OHRLVPopCol =
new MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.ListViewPopulationColumn();OHRLVPopCol.FormatString =
"{" + i++ + "}";OHRLVPopCol.PopulationType = MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.
OHRLVPopSettings.BusinessObjectType = bo.GetType().ToString();
OHRLVPopSettings.DropDownFormatString =
"";OHRLVPopSettings.FormatString =
"{0}";OHRLVPopSettings.MethodToExecute = dataRetrievalMethodToExecute +
";";OHRLVPopSettings.ValueMember = bo.PrimaryKeyField;
base.PopulationDataSourceSettings = OHRLVPopSettings;// fill the list view with x number of records base.Requery();base.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.HeaderSize);base.ResumeLayout();// select the first element in the list viewif (Items.Count > 0)Items[0].Selected =