By John McLaughlin - 9/3/2008
I have a panel manager with 2 panels as well as business objects with parent/child relationships set. In addition, I have a treeview that provides a list. When I single click on the treeview, the text boxes on the first panel populate. When I doubleclick, I capture the primary key value, and run the code to populate the child business object. from what I can tell it is populating, but I can't get the listview to display the values. Any thoughts?private void trv_Reports_NodeMouseDoubleClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e){ reportID = e.Node.Text.Substring(e.Node.Text.LastIndexOf( "-") + 2, (e.Node.Text.Trim().Length - e.Node.Text.LastIndexOf("-") - 2));isource_reportBO.NavigateToPrimaryKey(reportID); report_ID = System. Convert.ToInt32(reportID);this.report_SpecBO.FillByParentPrimaryKey(report_ID);this.lvReportSpec.Requery();this.panelManagerReportMaint.Hide();this.panelManagerReportSpec.Show();...
By Greg McGuffey - 9/3/2008
Did you handle the ListPopulating event of the listview and provide whatever parameters are needed for the method it is to execute?
By John McLaughlin - 9/4/2008
Apparently no, but that did it. Thanks.e.Parameters[0].Value = this.ReportID;
By Greg McGuffey - 9/4/2008
Glad you got it working!