Olá Rafael.Not sure about what you are asking, but I guess you want to use the BrowseDialog as a pick list, called from a buttom somewhere on you form, is that right? Once you get back from the BrowseDialog, the Business Object that was set as the BusinessObjectToPopulate on the BrowseDialog properties, will be populate, as the property name says, with the results of your search, and pointing to the selected row.
So, all you need to do is to use whatever piece of information you need from it.
Lets say you want to find a Customer, and fill the CustomerName on your Orders form. You drop a buttom on the form, and put some code in its Click event, like the following, to call your BrowseDialog and set the Text property of your Customer textbox:
If Me.MyBrowseDialog.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Me.txtCustomerName.Text = CustomersBO1.cus_Name
End If
Does that help?