Hiya Ivan,That would work but not how my user's want it to work.
I have tried to do it with all types of combination's with the browse dialog but it is not really doable.
My users want to use the enter key for both the search and accept. So asigning the say F2 key to the accept button is not what they want they want to be able to do, they wish to do the following
- browse dialog displays
- user enter's search criteria using Tab key to go between multiple search fields
- user hits the enter key which then executes the search and then the focus is set to the results list view.
- user arrows down to correct record and then uses the Enter Key again to accept and select that record.
In other word's the Results List View would just respond to the enter key the same way it does to a double click.
In my foxpro system the users enter their search criteria hit enter and then another modal picklist form pops up and they arrow through the results and then hit enter wich closes both the modal results form and the underlying search form and leaves them on the record they were looking for in the particular edit screen. So I am trying to emulate that process of type first name "john" hit tab key type last name "do" hit enter set n results arrow to john doe's record hit enter form closes and I am on john does employee maintence form.
Hope that makes sence