StrataFrame Forum

Login screen do not get focus

By Sachin Saxena - 9/17/2008


I created a custom login form, using StrataFrame login form. While login form displays, cursor placed correctly in the username filed but user could not type it because screen did not get focus.

How can I got focus on screen.
By Ivan George Borges - 9/18/2008

Hi Sachin.

Have you checked if you are not moving the focus somewhere else in code?

I also have a custom Login form based on the SF template and it is working fine over here.

By Trent L. Taylor - 9/18/2008

Yeah, I would look at your environment and code as this seems to be working as it should.  Any additional information you might have would be great as well.  Thanks.
By Philipp Guntermann - 1/11/2009

Hi Sachin,

i had the exact same issue as you described (using my own login-form (not Strataframe Login-Form)).

I was finally able to resolve that by calling:


within the Login-Forms OnLoad Method.

Make sure you set MyLoginForm.Owner = this; within the MDI-Parent.

Still not sure what causes the application do loose focus, but the workaround above solves it at least. Btw, that was the only Child-Form in my Application with that issue.