StrataFrame Forum

Field index required for Dialog Browser

By Edhy Rijo - 9/24/2008

What is the rule for the need of indexes on fields used in a Dialog Browser?

I have a Dialog Browser with 10 fields (see attached picture) and I am wonder if I should have an index on these 10 fields?


By Trent L. Taylor - 9/25/2008

Do you remember that really long session that Ben gave over SQL Server during the class...that would be the section I would refer you back to in regards to answering this question.

Generally we will never add an indexes haphazardly and only add them when we see a performance issue.  Just adding an index on all of these fields would probably not be a good idea as they may just produce overhead or even slow things down.  Dealing with dates especially if you are going to have some between operations may be a good place for an index...but this really depends on the database size, performance that you are experiencing, etc.  So I can't give you a "Yes" or "No" answer is more of a trial and error when dealing with performance issues.

By Edhy Rijo - 9/25/2008

Thanks for the clarification. 

Back in VFP it was recommended to have an index in every column used in the where condition to make use of the Rushmore technology in VFP, now in MS-SQL, it is more of monitoring the application performance before start adding indexes all over Tongue.