StrataFrame Forum

How to avoid that MainScreen is closed when Session Lock

By Rainer Kempf, RK - 11/23/2008


How can i avoid that Main-Screen is closed(hidden) when Session locks ?

I was searching around but can't find a Solution.

Also would be interessting to know how do display Exit button (in Loggin Form) for Re-Login.



By Edhy Rijo - 11/23/2008

Hi Rainer,

How can i avoid that Main-Screen is closed(hidden) when Session locks ?

I really don't know, but that is the purpose of Session Lock feature, to lock out the application until a valid user gets access to it again.

Also would be interesting to know how do display Exit button (in Loggin Form) for Re-Login

For that you will have to create your own Login form, which is very easy to do (see documentation) and add that functionality.  Keep in mind that Session Lock will leave forms in their current state (ex: unsaved data, etc.) so you may also check for those things before closing any open form.  There has been a couple of discussion about this in the forum, so search for the "Session Lock".

By Rainer Kempf, RK - 11/24/2008

Hi Edhy,

Thank you for your anwser.

After i placed my question here in Forum, i tried out

some other thing, and now i got it working as i want.


By Edhy Rijo - 11/24/2008

Hi Rainer,

I am glad you got it working. 

Would you mind sharing with us what you did?

By Rainer Kempf, RK - 12/3/2008

Hi Edhy

yes of course

I did following :

In AppMain.Vb

Private Shared Sub ShowLoginAndInitMainForm(ByVal e As ShowLoginAndInitFormEventArgs)

e.ShowMainForm = True

End Sub

and in the mainform i do something like

Private Sub MKSBaseAppWithSecurity_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Me.Visible = False

Dim ll_success_login As Boolean = False

Login.LoginFormType = GetType(MKSBaseLoginForm)

#If DEBUG Then

Login.SetLoggedInUser("supervisor", "mks", "")

ll_success_login = True


ll_success_login = Login.ShowLoginAndAuthUser(True)

#End If

If ll_success_login Then

then do something like enable all controls


then do something like disable all controls

End If

Me.Visible = True

End Sub

that all

and it works fine....
