StrataFrame Forum

Rebuild MicroFour StrataFrame Inherited UI with Devexpress 7.3

By Ertan Deniz - 11/26/2008

I 've got the error message below;

Method 'Private Sub pnlContent_Scroll(sender As Object, e As DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraScrollEventArgs)'
cannot handle Event 'Public Event Scroll(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs)'
because they do not have the same signature. 
MicroFour StrataFrame Inherited UI\DevExpress Extended\Dialogs\BrowseDialogSearchFieldsContainer.vb

How can I fix it ? I haven't got this type of error with StrataFrame Version 1.6.1.

By Peter Jones - 11/29/2008


Here's what I would do (actually did it yesterday after installing DX 8.3.2).

1) Closed VS

2) Ran the DX Project Convertor against my app and against  C:\Program Files\MicroFour\StrataFrame Source Code

3) Opened VS and  C:\Program Files\MicroFour\StrataFrame Source Code\MicroFour StrataFrame Inherited UI.sln

4) Recompiled

5) Closed that solution and opened and compiled my application solution.

Cheers, Peter

By Guillermo Vilas - 12/1/2008

Hello Ertan,

I´m assuming that you have a DevExpress Suite below 8.x.x.x version, If that is your case just change the event parameter: e As DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraScrollEventArgs to e as System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs and rebuild the solution. This modification always worked for me. Though I already renewed my Devex Subscription. Cool

By Trent L. Taylor - 12/1/2008

These are all good suggestions.  Please let me know if you don't get this to work.
By Ertan Deniz - 12/1/2008


The compilation is successful.