By Malcon M. Mikami - 2/6/2009
How I can catch the value of a Binary field Date of the SQL Server 2k5? Table SFSAuditEvents I want to return the binary value for an object, stops later making the conversion for the correct type (adf_DataType). 1 1 us_FirstName 0 <Binary data> <Binary data> 2 1 us_MiddleName 0 <Binary data> <Binary data> 3 1 us_LastName 0 <Binary data> <Binary data> NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
By Ivan George Borges - 2/6/2009
This is what I am doing at the moment, but it only works because I know there is going to be only text in it. I know that this is going to be authomagicaly dealt in the near future.Dim enc As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding()txtData.Text = enc.GetString(AuditEventsBO1.ae_Data)