Well, this can be handled a number of ways, but generally it will require some level of auditing or notifications from other developers. Developing in a team environment is never a perfect world...especially if the other developers make a massive change to any structure and do not share that information with the rest of the team, somehow. To explain the issue, the binding field is a string so technically it is weak typed and not evaluated until run-time. We work in a team environment here as well and on our medical application. However, when we make a structure change, we know that there is the potential for others to have an issue. So we talk with other team members if there is a chance that this could cause an external issue and we also use the Team Foundation tasks, etc. so that other developers may be made away. Usually, the developer who makes the structure change is responsible for making sure that any downstream issues get resolved.
Now, back to your original point and question, it is our desire to force strong-typing into the forumla in a future SF version. But this is much more difficult than it would seem. In fact, native .NET data-binding is not stong-typed either....that is one of the pieces that holds this process back. So for now, the best rule of thumb is to develop some good internal policies.