I would like to know if there is an easy way to make the browse dialog not issue the TOP command for the select as it relates to the MaximumReturnedRecords property. I am using SQL CE with a SQLCE DataSourceItem I wrote many months ago, it has been working fine with the framework in a very simple application that has not until now needed a browse dialog. SQLCE does not yet support the TOP command and I am looking for a workaround without having to delve back into my CE datasourceitem too deep.If the answer is yes, do this, then thanks
If the answer is that I have to do this myself, where is the SQL SELECT created for the browse? Does it use the datasourceitem? I see a option to add the TOP command in BuildSelectCommand but have not investigated if that is it.... since I really dont want to if i dont have to.
SELECT TOP 100 [scans_pk], [scans_rv], [scans_scandt], [scans_scanpath], [scans_scanuser], [scans_tags] FROM scans WHERE scans_tags LIKE 'JONES%'