StrataFrame Forum


By Geoff Hirst - 4/4/2009


If the answer to the above is yes, can you post what it is.



By Trent L. Taylor - 4/4/2009

I guess I don't understand.  I am not a fan of twitter....but I guess I don't understand the request.
By Geoff Hirst - 4/4/2009

Hi Trent,

No problem, just thought I would ask. Many companies are using twitter now to update their customers on products. Example being recently, Devexpress posted Update 2009.1. Unfortunately this had some issues for people who had installed the update and then the release. DevExpress kept everyone up to date using twitter as to where they were with progress of the maintenance release.

If you don't like it then that's fine. It's just another communications tool that's all.



By Trent L. Taylor - 4/6/2009

No, I understand.  And it could very well be a good idea.  I have played around with it on the personal side and it just irritates me.  It seems like I already have 10,000 inbound connections coming my way and this is the latest fad...from the personal side, I am always slow to jump on the latest "fad" versus the latest techology.

Putting my personal preferences aside on this one, I could see the benefit of this and so it will definitely be considered.