StrataFrame Forum

Data access through DataBasics question

By Doug Zapp - 6/29/2009

I've been playing around with the DataBasics data access trying to get a complex query to return a result set. The ExecuteStoredProcedure method returns an object, which cannot be converted to a DataSet (or can it?). So I can't use that method. The query is complex enough, that I don't feel comfortable using BO's.

The crux of the issue, is that I don't want to put connection strings in my code (one of the main reasons for getting StrataFrame in the first place). I could do that but then I'm making a custom copy of the connection code even though it already exists.

That being said, the other method I was looking at was the GetDataSet method, which requires a SQLCommand variable populated with the connection string. My question is, can I get the connection string from StrataFrame and put it into that variable?


By Greg McGuffey - 6/29/2009

I believe you can get the connection string via the DataSources collection (assuming you aren't using EnterpriseServer) via:


Just to make sure I understand though, you are expecting a data set back right? So more than one data table? Some folks more conversant with ADO will have to handle that situation. When I've needed to get multiple data tables back, I've used the static FillMultipleDataTables() command in BusinessLayer. You might have other requirements, like relationships etc., so that might not work for you.
By Doug Zapp - 6/29/2009

Thanks Greg. Exactly what I need. I appreciate it.
By Greg McGuffey - 6/29/2009

Glad it helped! BigGrin