StrataFrame Forum

Messaging editor questions

By dgsoft - 7/20/2009


I have a lot of questions about messaging editor.. but one is main.

1) I prepare TPE file, and my clients translate TPE file on German Language. Now I need to import it and I am doing

- Start Localization and Messaging Editor

- Open Project

- Click Translations - > Import Translation Package...

- New Dialog appears - I select TPE file click "FINISH"

- I'v got Successfully Imported! and Import Result: Success.. but Keys Imported: 0 !!!

The same happens if I.. - have all keys for German language, If I remove keys from German language, if I delete German language from configuration..

Import Translation package not works for me. - What do I wrong?

2) How to make Multiselect and delete more then one TextValue? How can I delete all text values for selected language?

Thanks for help!

By dgsoft - 7/21/2009

Ok. I understand. Person who translate file does not check "translation complete"

Can I automate it or I must 500 times click checkbox then button Save then select next item?

Is there some multiselect possible.. seems not userfriendly interface here..
By Trent L. Taylor - 7/21/2009

Yup, you nailed it. This is something that is required so that the translator can leave an item as not translated if it hasn't been completed. Generally I try to get the people translating to do this.

Can I automate it or I must 500 times click checkbox then button Save then select next item?

No, you actually have to do this. I have considered adding a mechanism as I have had to do this a number of times myself. Just FYI, you can start at the top and do a Ctrl+Down Arrow then a Ctrl+T. That combination will speed things up, but at the moment there isn't a "set all" action.
By dgsoft - 7/21/2009


Thank you for answers, by the way another question.

By the word, Now.. during person who translate file, appears new keys ..

When I load again project to export .. all my keys here.. already translated has [x] checkbox on.. and skipped not checked.

How can I invert selection - to export for translation only keys what I need (only new which has no translation).


By Trent L. Taylor - 7/21/2009

You just need to select the keys that need to be translated. There is not an option to invert the selection. Maybe an idea for a future change, but for now you have to select the desired keys.