StrataFrame Forum

ExecuteStoredProcedure( ) and Timeouts

By Alex Luyando - 7/21/2009

Hi all -

I see postings that discuss using SQLCommand.ConnectionTimeout to prevent connection timeouts for long-running stored procedures. Is it possible to do the same with MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.DataBasics.DataSources[""].ExecuteStoredProcedure( )?

If not I'll just recode to use a SQLCommand object, but it would be nice if that wasn't required...

By Trent L. Taylor - 7/21/2009

You will have to set this at the command level. In truth, you are better off doing this anyway as you will have more overall control of the execution. So you will need to create an SqlCommand and set the timeout at that level. Smile
By Alex Luyando - 7/21/2009

Thanks for the quick reply, Mr. T.
By Trent L. Taylor - 7/21/2009

Thanks for the quick reply, Mr. T.

Makes me want to go out and buy a bunch of gold necklaces and put a huge ring on every finger! BigGrin