StrataFrame Forum

BackColor Changes When Copying TextBox Control

By Bill Cunnien - 9/8/2009

When I am using read-only textboxes (MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.Textbox), I like to set the BackColor property to the system option of "Info". The ForeColor property is also changed to "InfoText". This allows the boxes to be read quite easily in the read-only format.

If I have several textboxes to add to a form, I like to add one, make the changes that I would like to see, then copy the textbox to make more. If I do this in the current version (, the textbox's BackColor reverts to "Control". All other modified properties do not change (ForeColor, TextAlign, ReadOnly, etc.).

Am I doing something wrong or is this the expected behavior of this control?


By Trent L. Taylor - 9/8/2009

Actually it has always done that. You can, however, use the Disabled back and fore ground colors and set the control to disabled and it will give you the effect that you want other than they will not be able to select out of it.

Probably what needs to happen is another property be added that says "use disabled colors for read-only" that does this for you. Just FYI, if you set the colors in code they will stick. The issue actually has to do with the designer and serialization. But that is a temp workaround.