StrataFrame Forum

Experiencing with web forms

By Felix M Avendano - 10/2/2009

I'm experiencing with web forms trying to emulate the example but I'm geting errors. When I try to bind a TextBox I get this message:

  The ApplicationBasePage could not be located.  Please rebuild project.

Source     : MicroFour StrataFrame Extensibility

Stack Trace:
   at MicroFour.StrataFrame.Extensibility.BusinessObjectNameTypeEditor.EditValue(ITypeDescriptorContext context, IServiceProvider provider, Object value)

But I have the the ApplicationBasePage and I did rebuilded the proyect. I also have another business object library with the BO in it and I referenced it.

I'm sending you the solution in case is usefull in any way.

By Felix M Avendano - 10/8/2009

Please, I can´t continue working without this solved because I'm stucked here .Smile

I tried to modify the example and it's the same. When I go to the properties of a textbox and I try to change the BO i'm having the message The ApplicationBasePage could not be located.  Please rebuild project.
I've rebuilded it several times with no diference.

By Randy Jean - 10/27/2009

I'm experiencing the same thing. SF 1.6.6 version when trying to select the business object on a textbox in web forms.
By Trent L. Taylor - 10/27/2009

Can you please load the most recent build (even if on another machine) and prove that you have the same issue? There have been a phenomenal number of changes since then and will require a lot of investigation. Also, did you create an SF Web Project? This is important as if you didn't then the web.config will not be properly initialized.