With very helpful assistance from Greg McGuffey, I have followed the flow of the code related to how the integrated Security Maintenance User is granted default permissions to the objects within a project.Here is the short (and hopefully simplified) version of what I discovered with Greg's assistance:
1) In the Strataframe source code, the "SecurityMaintenanceKeyPrefix" property is given a default value of "Security_"
2) In the Strataframe source code, the "Security Dialog" form is given a default "Security Key" of "Security Editor"
3) The integrated Maintenance Security User is granted security to objects based on the "SecurityMaintenanceKeyPrefix" value ... in this case "Security_"
This means when the integrated Maintenance Security User is logged into your application, any objects which are defined with a "Security Key" property value that STARTS WITH "Security_" will be issued the "GRANT" permission for that object and allow the integrated Maintenance Security User access to that object
This is where the problem is created .... everything matches in the 2 character text strings through the word "Security" but the next text character is causing the Strataframe Security System to issue the "DENY" permission for the object (which is the Security Dialog form) because the prefix value is looking for an "_" (underscore character) as the next text character in the evaluation of the Security Key value for the object BUT the object (Security Dialog form) has a " " (space character) as the next text character and this DOES NOT MATCH !!!!!!
Therefore, the integrated Security Maintenance User is denied access because of the mismatch between the space character and the underscore character. Greg's patch code suggestion of adding a code line in the program.cs file to "redefine" the "SecurityMaintenanceKeyPrefix" to be "Security " ... works because this makes the " " (space character) after the word "Security" match in the prefix value and the object Security Key value. As Greg also suggested, I have tested changing the "SecurityMaintenanceKeyPrefix" value to just "Securty" and this works just fine also BECAUSE the Strataframe Security System is matching the text characters from the "SecurityMaintenanceKeyPrefix" and the object "Security Key" for the length of the "SecurityMaintenanceKeyPrefix" text string.
A future fix for the Strataframe Source Code would be to change the default value for the "SecurityMainenanceKeyPrefix" or change the default value for the "Security Key" for the Security Dialog form SO THAT they will both have the same "Starting" characters for the length of the "SecurityMaintenanceKeyPrefix" text string.
Trent, can this be done in a future release version ?????
A BIG Thanks goes to Greg McGuffey for helping me work through and understand this problem and the required solution.