StrataFrame Forum

DOTNETNUKE modules- need to use SF BO's and SF user controls

By Kenneth Langley - 4/5/2010

Can anyone tell me if they have successfully merged the DOTNETNUKE platform utilizing Strataframe Business objects and bound user controls inside a DNN module ? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
By Greg McGuffey - 6/11/2010


I don't know of anyone who has tried this, so I'm not sure if how it would work. However, I'd guess that if there is an issue it would be because DNN requires settings in global.aspx or in the web.config file that would conflict with SF. The only way to know would be to try it out. It might work great. This is in the category of you never know for sure until you try it. Blink

If you do end up trying this out, please let us know how it works out!
By Jason Seidell - 8/24/2010

We are currently working on a project doing exactly that.  We created user controls bound using SF, and placed them inside a DNN portal.  One of the tricky things we had to overcome was object inhertiance.  I had to create a new base DNN user control that inherited from SF, instead of default.  We have other web programmers that might be able to shed some more light.