My personal preference would be to include the views into one of the existing DBs (either yours, or the target DB). But, in reallity, it seems that the issue here isn't database design as much as it is minimizing the communication with and interference from the DBAs. From a technical perspective, I don't see a huge benefit doing it either way. The first solution ensures the existing DBs stay "clean", but requires marginally more work to manage the other DB. The second solution doesn't require another DB, but requires that you be sure and keep the views and existing items seperate.From our own experience, the only DBAs we deal with are network DBAs in large medical clinics. In that case, we would be better suited to imbed the views in an existing DB since we are usually able to get the DBAs to keep their hands off of our specific databases so long as we don't play outside of our sandbox. One more DB is one more item we have to communicate to the DBAs, and one more opportunity for them to inadvertantly cause issues by removing, moving, locking down, etc. that secondary "views" DB.