StrataFrame Forum

StrataFrame and 64 bit Windows 7?

By Michael Beane - 7/19/2010

I recently migrated to a new machine running the 64 bit version of Windows 7. I ran into some problems with StrataFrame -- it would not let me register it as my licensed SF copy and then it did not uninstall cleanly (had to do most of it manually). Before I get into the nitty gritty of those things, is compatibility with 64 bit Windows 7 in general a known issue? If so, is there an update in the pipeline that will be fully compatible?
By Ivan George Borges - 7/19/2010

Hi Michael.

I've been running on Win7 64 for quite a while now without issues. One thing that might interfere is if you are not running as an administrator. Try that and let us know.

By Charles R Hankey - 7/19/2010

Hey Mike,

Also remember the SF license is keyed to the NIC address of the box you are on. So if the problem was that you couldn't register SF on the new box, it may have been you didn't deactivate your license on the old box first. Easily fixed by just going to the license manager on the old box ( on start menu ) and deactivating then trying again on the new box to activate.

If you are going to be developing on both boxes (or laptop and desktop) you can get a USB NIC for a couple bucks and just use that like a dongle.

By Keith Chisarik - 7/19/2010

Just adding that we run both Vista and Windows 7 64 bit with SF without issue. I do still RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR every time because when I forget to, something inevitably wont work right.
By Michael Beane - 7/20/2010

Hi Charles,

Yeah, I did that. I am not trying to develop on more than one machine. The idea is to migrate everything off the old one and StrataFrame is the last application. When my work contract winds down at the end of August I will give the whole thing another try.

PS -- LeBron who? ;-)
By Michael Beane - 7/21/2010

I started over fresh and got this error dialog:

Whoops, can't paste Windows screen image. It says "Missing prerequisites -- Visual Studio 2005 or 2008"
By Michael Beane - 7/22/2010

My need for StrataFrame is not immediate. Hopefully when I am ready to use it it will be current with the latest release of VS with no backward dependencies.
By Ivan George Borges - 7/22/2010


It looks like you had it installed before, then when changing machine you faced some issues.

You should be able to install it right now with VS 2005, 2008 or 2010.

By Michael Beane - 7/23/2010

I wish that were the case but unfortunately it does not seem to be the case. Have you or anyone else here successfully installed SF on a machine with VS 2010 and no prior versions installed?
By Ivan George Borges - 7/23/2010

Yep, we have it running this way on many machines.

Are you sure you are using the latest version,

By Michael Beane - 7/28/2010

I am not sure if it was or In any case I continue to be thwarted. When I log into on the 64 bit machine nothing is listed in the Downloads section, which IIRC is the only place the beta version is available. My guess is that is because I have not activated the license on this (64 bit) machine. Is is deactivated on the old machine. Unfortunately, when I click Manual Activation on the web site it says "Coming soon...." So I can't activate the version I need without downloading, and can't download it without activating -- a Catch 22. For now I am just going to put all thoughts of StrataFrame aside and come back to it another time. Or not. That sounds like a sour attitude but that's what happens when you pay $700 for software and can't even get it to install correctly.
By Greg McGuffey - 7/28/2010


Something weird is going on. You don't need to have the license installed to access you account and hence the download section. My standard mode is to download on some other machine than my develop machine, then access that other machine via my internal network to do install on development machine. The download machine does not have SF, VS or any other development tool installed. Let me check and make sure your account doesn't have something weird going on, which is causing the download area to be unavailable. Once you get access to that, and get the latest version downloaded, we can figure out why it's not installing correctly.
By Michael Beane - 7/29/2010

Thanks for the reply. I think I may see what the issue was yesterday. It was the end of my license period. (Hard to believe it's been a year. A long term contract came along not long afterward and I haven't had much time to learn the product). If that was indeed the issue I will look into renewing my license, or more likely waiting until the work contract ends and renewing then.
By Greg McGuffey - 7/29/2010

You are correct Michael, that is causing the problem. Time does fly! We'll be here when you're ready to get going again!