By Derek Price - 8/6/2010
Has anyone had issues displaying RequiredFields from the Design view of a BO? Whenever we try clicking on the UI Editor for the collection, we get this message (also attached as image):
MicroFour StrataFrame Extensibility
An error occurred while attempting to load this type editor:
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Any ideas?
By Edhy Rijo - 8/6/2010
Hi Derek,
I have not seen that error before, but here is one rule for SF Type Editors, whenever you will use any of them, make sure the source of the type editors is build, so if you add new fields to a table and then build the partial for the BO you must rebuild the BO project so the Type Editors can see the new fields.
Also sometimes, you may need to close the solution, exit VS, then go back to VS, rebuild and everything works again.
Good luck!
By Derek Price - 8/6/2010
Hi Edhy,
When you say:
Edhy Rijo (08/06/2010) make sure the source of the type editors is build
What do you mean that the source is build? We are simply trying to use the default behaviour of SF to edit our required fields using their UI type editor (whatever that is). We have no custom code or anything here. I've rebuilt the partial, exited, re-started, etc. with no luck.
By Edhy Rijo - 8/6/2010
Hi Derek,
Type Editors are the tools created by SF to allow you to select Required Fields, Security Keys, etc.
I am not so sure, but also you may try reinstalling the .Net 2.0 Runtimes, I have seen before SF functionality being trashed by other 3rd party tool like InstallAware and reinstalling the .Net 2.0 runtimes fixed the issue. Look in the forums about .Net 2.0 runtimes or InstallAware for related posts.
By Ivan George Borges - 8/6/2010
Hey Derek.Also, have a look at this post:
By Derek Price - 8/6/2010
Hi Ivan,
I checked the link and the BO constructors have absolutely no extra code besides the InitializeComponent(). I cleaned the solution, then manually cleaned, exited, restarted, and rebuilt with no luck...
I really hope that it's not a NET2.0 runtime re-install. It's funny that others on our team also see this.
By Ivan George Borges - 8/6/2010
Have you lately made changes to the table structure that is mapped to this BO? Trying to figure out a possible cause here... maybe you deleted a field that were part of the Required Fields collection. If something goes along this theory, you could edit the BO.Designer file and tweak the required fields not to add this particular one into the collection.
By Derek Price - 8/6/2010
The BO that I first noticed this issue has definitely had fields removed, etc., so I had to manually edit the designer file to fix those issues. I just pick a handful of random BOs out of the 100+ we have and all display the same error and those were definitely not edited. Is there a way to debug this? Would I need to launch another VS2010 and attach? ALthough, I'm not exactly sure where I'd set a breakpoint...
By Ivan George Borges - 8/6/2010
Have you tried re-building all the partials?
By Ivan George Borges - 8/6/2010
Also, if you open 1 specific BO that throws you the error and you know which fields should be required, if you right-click the RequiredFields on the Properties sheet and choose Reset, does it then work to mark them back?
By Derek Price - 8/9/2010
I never even knew that Reset existed! I tried it and now get this error message when clicking on the required fields:
MicroFour StrataFrame Extensibility
An error occurred while attempting to load this type editor:
Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
I checked the BO designer file and it definitely wiped out the required fields, though... I also rebuilt all BOs and was back to my original error message:
MicroFour StrataFrame Extensibility
An error occurred while attempting to load this type editor:
Index was outside the bounds of the array.
By Edhy Rijo - 8/9/2010
Hi Derek,
Did you ever try reinstalling .Net 2.0 runtimes? it would not hurt anything in your configuration by re-installing the correct version for your OS and see if that fix this uncommon problem.
By Derek Price - 8/9/2010
Hi Edhy,
I was a little apprehensive to try this, but figured I'd give it a try since nothing else is working. I tried doing a repair, but clicking on the "Change" button in the Add/Remove dialog did nothing. I tried removing, but got the attached dialog. So it looks like it's not very easy to uninstall earlier frameworks. I checked the link the dialog pointed to, but it goes to the readme file of the NET3 framework. It looks like I need to uninstall NET3 first, then NET2? I also tried downloading the NET2 FX from MSDN, but when I run that it tells me it can't do anything and to remove it from the Add/Removed app. All this for RequiredFields...
Any suggestions?
By Edhy Rijo - 8/9/2010
Hi Derek,
From your image, I noticed you are trying to uninstall the SP2 of .Net 2.0. I was referring to .Net 2.0 (no service pack), I know it can be confusing, so I look at some links that will help find the correct one for your OS:
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86)
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x64)
.Net Framework 2.0 (All)
In my case since I have a 64bit OS, I use the x64 one. Download the one you need and try again.
By Derek Price - 8/9/2010
Hi Edhy,
Thanks for the links. I tried the x86 (just WinXP 32-bit here), but got no further:
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Setup
Setup cannot continue because this version of the .NET Framework is incompatible with a previously installed one. For more information, see
According to the link, I need to uninstall NET2.0 SP1 first. I'm getting nervous again! I checked my Add/Remove app and there's no SP1. In fact, I only have the .NET 2.0 SP2 listed (attached).
By Edhy Rijo - 8/9/2010
Hi Derek,
From the same download page try this one .NET Framework 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) (x86)
Looking at your image and comparing it with mine (see attached image), I have above version but x64, so in your case x86 should do the job.
And do not worry about uninstalling/re-installing the runtime, it should not trash your OS as long as you are able to re-install them.
By Derek Price - 8/10/2010
Well, I tried the SDK link and that installed with no errors, but made no difference in showing required fields.
Thanks anyway!
By Ivan George Borges - 8/11/2010
That is really strange... Have you tried setting up a Virtual Machine from scratch and then installing the basics to test it over there? If it works, then you could go on adding other stuff till you got an idea of what could be the issue.
By Derek Price - 8/11/2010
We'll probably do that at some point. Right now it's just an annoyance for us and we do have a workaround. If we ever figure it out, I'll post my findings.
Thanks all for the help
By Ivan George Borges - 8/11/2010
You're welcome, Derek.We will be around when you get some time to investigate this further. 