By Charles R Hankey - 11/17/2010
My main problem with the browse dialog has always been some lack of options ( or my ignorance of the options ) to customize its appearance and behavior. I love the convenience of being able to do 90% of what I need with just a few mouse-clicks and setting a few properties, but the other 10% often makes me nuts.
For example : if using Advanced Options, the dropdown for Greater than or Equal to is not wide enough to display that as a default choice. How would I fix that?
If I wanted the whole BD form larger, or to remember it's size or any user changes to the column sizing in the grid - how would that be accomplished? ( thought I found some props for that, but can't figure out where to set them at run-time)
Any tips anyone has to share on general tweaking of the browse dialog will be appreciated.
By Ivan George Borges - 11/20/2010
Hey Charles.
Yep, I hear you. I've got some things I would like to do with the Browse Dialog too. But hold on, I am sure the BD will be re-addressed in a near future.
By Alex Luyando - 11/23/2010
A new-and-improved BD for Christmas? Awesome!!!
I (long time ago, so may not have all the details at my fingertips), subclassed the SF BD, made some of my long list of desired improvements, then added it to a component library I set up for similar classes. Then, I created my version of the SF forms (standard and maintenance) and added my subclassed BD to it so I'd get it in all new forms.
That said, I can't wait to see the new BD!
Happy eats!
By Charles R Hankey - 2/3/2012
Hi Ivan -
Any more BD tricks you know of? ( see my thread on defaulting checkbox on datetime search fields to checked ) It is potentially one of the most powerful parts of the product but opening up the UI and decoupling it from data logic would immediately make it a lot more useful and flexible.
By Ivan George Borges - 2/5/2012
Hi Charles.
What I have done so far to get features from the BD has been changing the source code to my needs. Not the best thing to do, I know. We are going to get a lot of development on SF this year, most for the new 2.0 version. If I get some info about works on the BD I will let you know.