StrataFrame Forum

Strataflix setup

By Tim Shimeall - 11/19/2010

I downloaded the Visual Studio 2010 version of Strataflix and attempted to Attach the Straflix database to SQL Server 2005.  I get the error 'strataflix' cannot be opened because it is version 655.  Is there a SQL Server 2005 version?

I rebuilt the 2010 C# Stratflix Solution with no errors.  When I attempt to run the Strataframe.base project in the solution I get an error because the output type of the project is "Class Library".   Shouldn't the output type be a Windows Application?

Coming from VFP, so it's all foreign to me...

By Ivan George Borges - 11/19/2010

Hi Tim.

I would strongly recommend you to at least try and install a SQL Server 2008 Express. Since it is a free version, it will get you going with the database issue.

Once you get the database attached, just open the solution and run it, it should work at this stage. The start up project is called StrataFlix, and not the StrataFlix.Base. Unless you have changed this, once you click the Start Debug button (or press F5), the application should run just fine.