By Matt Tabone - 12/3/2010
I've been experimenting with the DDT. I've imported an existing database but none of the defaults or triggers are brought in.
A brief history...
The database in SQL was created with the VFP upsizing wizard which created triggers for data validation and default value functions that were then used in the appropriate default value box for each field.
I should mention that I'm not sure if we will keep the triggers or look into constraints as a way of validating and the default value functions seem like overkill to me anyways so I'd like to do away with those as well.
I guess I'm more curious if triggers are supposed to come in during an import though DDT or is that not supported yet?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
By Ivan George Borges - 12/6/2010
Hi Matt.
Welcome to the forum.
The support to triggers was added after some of the original imports, so it is possible it was missed. This is on the table to be checked.
But you can deploy your triggers using the DDT, this should be working just fine.