StrataFrame Forum

Error HRESULT E_FAIL Error Appears With Type Editors

By lastcanary - 12/16/2010


I am receiving Error HRESULT E_FAIL error when I click to a type editor (Listview PopulationDataSourceSettings or Browse Dialog BrowseResultsLayout). Sometimes the error is disappearing after I restart the Visual Studio and clear and rebulid the project but sometimes it is remaining.

I am sending you the error screen shot attached.

Could you please help?
By Greg McGuffey - 12/16/2010

What version of Visual Studio are you using?

Based on some googling, it looks like often times the solution to this is reinstalling .NET.
By lastcanary - 12/19/2010

We are using Visual Studio 2010. Should we reinstall it?
By Edhy Rijo - 12/19/2010

lastcanary (12/19/2010)
We are using Visual Studio 2010. Should we reinstall it?

Yes, try reinstalling and then see if that fix the problem.  Sometimes uninstalling may not ask you to reboot, but I would do it this way:
  1. Uninstall VS2010
  2. Reboot
  3. Re-install VS2010
  4. Reboot
  5. See if that fix the type editor problem.
By Greg McGuffey - 12/20/2010

You may need to reinstall .NET itself, rather than just VS.