StrataFrame Forum

Devexpress XtraGrid

By Ger Cannoll - 12/29/2010

1.  I am considering including the Devexpress Xtragrid in a lot of my forms and have been playing around with it. Would appreciate some feedback from other users who have  used this control with SF, before I go away and invest a lot of time into this.

2.  When using a ListView , I used the PopulationdataSourceSettings. I don't see a similar proerty in a Xtragrid. I have manged to display records using the BusinessBidingSource by just setting up the Datasource and a few columns but am I missing out on something by not using PopulationDataSourceSettings ??

3.  On a Test form. I have a ListView and Grid side by side pointing to the same business object. If I change focus to a different record on the ListView, the record in the Grid also changes focus. However, if I change focus to a record in the Grid, the focus stays on the same record in the ListView. I would have expected both to be the same. Other than using a BBS for the grid and showing a few columns, I have done nothing else

I4.   will be using Parent andChild grids (i.e. Move in an orders grid and expect to see just the children from the order details..... sould I expect any issues with XtraGrid

5.  What about speed.... (The limited samples I have set up have not caused any speed issues)
By Terry Bottorff - 12/29/2010

I like the grid. I only have a couple of 1000 records and it performs excellent in terms of speed for me. 
I use it for input of data and have one column that is calculated from the input data. Works Great.
I use the BBS and have not had a problem.
It works great when you have Custom Fields in the BO's.

My project is not huge nor real complicated but I am very happy with it.
By Ger Cannoll - 12/29/2010

Hi  Many thanks for the feedback.

Its always good to get a feel for what other users have experienced and from your comments it souds good

Regards, Gerard
By Edhy Rijo - 12/29/2010

Gerard O Carroll (12/29/2010)
3.  On a Test form. I have a ListView and Grid side by side pointing to the same business object. If I change focus to a different record on the ListView, the record in the Grid also changes focus. However, if I change focus to a record in the Grid, the focus stays on the same record in the ListView. I would have expected both to be the same. Other than using a BBS for the grid and showing a few columns, I have done nothing else
Hi Gerald,
I have not used Xtragrid, but to describe what is happening on point 3, the SF ListView has some code to synchronize the selected item with the BO record automatically, that is why when you select a record in the listview, the grid is synchronize because the listview is navigating to the selected record in the BO which is the same for the Business Binding Source control.
By Ger Cannoll - 12/30/2010

Hi Edhy

Thanks for responding. I have played around a bit more with the Devexpress Xtragrid and have not experienced any issues with linking Parent to Children grids and its surprisingly easy using BBS and the Navigated Event of the BO.

From my initial look...there's  a huge amount of fuctionality in the Grid....It would take me about 10 years to match it and I still would say I would only be scratching the surface.... from Automatic Sorting, to Incremental Searching, to Automatic Grouping, To Automatic Column Subtotals....the list goes on