StrataFrame Forum

textboxes in SF and use of BACKSPACE key, DEL key

By Ross L. Rooker, Sr. - 2/11/2011

If using a textbox from sf (the one I am using is from the MicroFour Infragistics wrapper ultraMaskedEdit with the properties set as follows:

InputMask = nnnnnnnnn

Text = 0

IgnorManageReadOnlyState = False

The BusinessObject and Binding properties are set correctly.

When the form displays and the cursor enters the control it is positioned to the left of the 0. If they start typing a 1, then it appends the 0 to the end becoming 10. This is the same on all numeric collumns. Is there a way to have the column to always have the data selected in the control?

Also, when the user wants to use the DEL key to delete a character in any column numeric or string type, the DEL key does nothing. Is there a way to allow the use of the DEL key? This is quite important.

Lastly, if it is a numeric and the user tries to remove the 0 by positions the cursor to the right of the 0 and hit the BACKSPACE key, a red screen error appears:

  Specified cast is not valid.

Source     : TrustedVALET_BO

Stack Trace:
   at TrustedVALET_BO.tbl_ContractDemurrage_1.FieldDescriptor.SetValue(Object component, Object value) in C:\devel\Projects\Net2008\Strata\trustedValetTeam\TrustedVALET_BO\TrustedVALET_BO\tbl_ContractDemurrage_1.Designer.cs:line 2117
   at System.Windows.Forms.BindToObject.SetValue(Object value)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Binding.PullData(Boolean reformat, Boolean force)

Is there a a workaround to allow the backspace key?