By dgsoft - 2/18/2011
I wrote business logic inside BO.
For example,
BO1.pmks_relatedBO = BO2
So, for BO1 I made public property AS BO2
In Design Time - in Property Grid - for BO1 I select BO2.
Then I bild BO1 to Textboxes and Also make BO1BBS and Bind it to the Grid.
Some properties setter has custom code inside which ask some properties of BO2
When I change textbox value - I have no problem - all works as expected
When I change cell value in the Gird - I'v got an error
When I debug code - I can see my BO2 is Nothing! But in design time and runtime when I change textbox values - BO2 exist.
Then appears a question. Where is instance of BO2? Is BBS clone businessobject and work with copy of instance or?
Thanks for the help
By dgsoft - 2/18/2011
I debug code and found next thing...
1) When property change fired in BO which bind to the Grid using BBS - ParentBusinessObject - correct! and there 1 record inside!
So far, exist possibility to make a reference to instance of BO from another BO which located on the form!
But how?
By dgsoft - 2/18/2011
Ok. I found in source
Private Function CreateShareAndAddBusinessObject(ByVal index As Integer) As BusinessLayer '-- Create a new object Dim loReturn As BusinessLayer = CType(Activator.CreateInstance(Me._BusinessObject.GetType()), BusinessLayer)
'-- Share the table Me._BusinessObject.ShareCurrentDataTable(loReturn)
'-- Set the parent business object of the instance object loReturn.ParentBusinessObject = _BusinessObject.ParentBusinessObject
'-- Add the object to the list Me._BusinessObjectList.Add(index, loReturn)
'-- Return the new object Return loReturn End Function
HERE.. I WANNA have a HOOK like RaiseEvent CustomizeMyBusinessObject(loReturn)
and there.. in BBS.CustomizeMyBUsinessObject I can make
Public Sub CustomizeMyBusinessObject(ByVal toReturn as BusinessLayer) Handles BBS.CustomizeMyBusinessObject
Dim loBO as MyBO = TryCast(toReturn, MyBO) loBO.myParentBO = BO2 loBO.myAnotherBO = BO3
That could be a solution for me and Now last question
It is possible to make without modification in StrataFrame source code? Somewhere in subclasses...