StrataFrame Forum

Unable to open the Sample web app solution

By Marcia G Akins - 3/12/2011

Hi All.

I am trying to get started with a Strataframe web application and wanted to take a look at the sampel but am unable to open in in VS.

In the solution explorer it tell me that it cannot find theCommonBusiness project or the SampleWebApp project.

What do I need to do so that I can run this sample?


By Ivan George Borges - 3/12/2011

Hi Marcia.

There is a folder mix up with the sample. I fixed the paths and am attaching one here for you. If you get an error connecting to your database, edit the Global.asax file and change the "localhost" to whatever you get there. Something like:

'-- SQL Server

DataLayer.DataSources.Add(New SqlDataSourceItem("", "MyInstanceName\SQLEXPRESS;integrated security=SSPI;database=StrataFrameSample"))

Hope it helps.
By Trent L. Taylor - 3/14/2011

Thanks, Ivan.  Smile
By Ivan George Borges - 3/14/2011

You're welcome, Trent L. T. Kent. Tongue