StrataFrame Forum

Updating a BO field from a usercontrol

By Keith Gordijn - 6/29/2011

I have a usercontrol based on the sfusercontrol, called locationControl,  for selecting the city, state and postcode. The locationControl has a locationBO which is bound to the city, state, and postcode.

I want to use the locationControl on forms where I collect the address details of a person. 

On a form I have a personBO and a locationBO.  The primarykey of the locationBO is location_pk, the personBO has a person_location field that one day I hope will link the personBO to the locationBO. On this form I drop my locationControl and set the businessObject to the form locationBO and the BindingField to locale_pk. The TranslationObject automatically sets itself to the usercontrol - locationControl.

When I run the form I can select the 'Find Locality' which opens a browsedialog and after searching and selecting a location the locationControl updates correctly. I can also select the 'Add Locality' which opens a maintenance form and I can add a new location, so far so good. What I can't do, and for some reason can't wrap my head around what I'm not doing right, is get the locationBO on the form to update from the locationBO of the usercontrol and eventually populate the person_location field of the personBO on the form so I have a person linked to a location.

Can anyone help me with what I'm trying to do and get me to see what I'm missing?
