StrataFrame Forum

Oracle Connection 64 bit Problem

By lastcanary - 8/13/2011

I am trying to access an Oracle database located on the same Windows 2008 64 bit PC but I am receiving

Error Connecting To Server
Attempting to load Oracle libraries threw
BadImageFormatException. This problem will occur
when running in 64 bit mode with 32 bit Oracle

Error, could you please help me to solve this problem?
By Ivan George Borges - 8/13/2011

See if this one helps:
By lastcanary - 8/13/2011

Thank you for the reply.

Unfortunately I couldnt find the answer in the link. It is mostly concentrating on web applications and setting IIS settings but my problem is with a windows application that does not use IIS.

Let me give you more details about this issue I hope that it helps.

I was using my laptop with Windows XP and 32 bit CPU and developed the code on this laptop.

It was an application working in my laptop and connecting to an Oracle database located in a Windows 2008 64 bit PC.

My laptop has a low performance so I thought that it is better to move to a better PC to speed up the development.

I shifted my license from my laptop to the PC and copied the project files. I didnt received any compile errors and the application started but when I was setting the connection properties I received the error.

I hope that these details will help
By Ivan George Borges - 8/14/2011

Try targeting your projects to "x86"

1. Open your project in VS.
2. Menu > Project > ... Properties
3. Switch to "Build" card
4. Switch - Platform target to "x86"
5. Save it

Also, you probably have found out already, but there are lots of discussions out there regarding this issue, all about Oracle and connection problems on this situation. If you have a look at some of them you will probably get a better picture on how to deal with it on your situation.
By lastcanary - 8/16/2011

Thank you for your reply,

Unfortunately this didnt work for me. I am struggling for the solution but I couldnt do anything about the problem.

Could you please at least provide me some links that I can try?
By lastcanary - 8/16/2011

Thank you for your support, I figured out that I have installed 32 bit Oracle on a 64 bit O.S. and changed the installation. Now, everthing works perfectly.

Sorry for any inconvenience
By Ivan George Borges - 8/16/2011

Glad to hear that! No problem at all.